Gluten free savoury breakfast cheese and egg crepes with a tomato and cucumber salad / made with ASDA gluten free flour

Gluten Free Cheese & Egg Crepes

Savoury cheese and egg crepes filled with parmesan, extra mature cheddar and an egg cracked in the middle. πŸ™‚

Gluten Free Cheese & Egg Crepes
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Recipe type: Breakfast
Cuisine: French
Serves: 4 crepes
For the crepes:
  • 100g (a bit less than 1 cup) all purpose gluten free flour
  • * ½ tsp xanthan gum (only if your blend doesn't already contain it)
  • 250g (1 cup) whole milk (or more - see instructions below)
  • 1 large egg
  • Butter or oil (to cook)
For the toppings:
  • Eggs
  • Cheese (I used a mix of extra mature cheddar and parmesan)
  • Salt
  • Black pepper
Other fun toppings:
  • Ham
  • Grilled bacon
  • Pan fried mushrooms
  • Grilled or pan fried tomatoes
  • Black olives
  • Etc.
Nutrition Information
Calories: 355 Fat: 19.4 Carbohydrates: 24.8 Protein: 19.6


Here I’m using ASDA‘s free from blend which is very basic and comes without xanthan gum so I’ve added it separately. Omit if yours already contains it.


  1. Whisk the flour, xanthan gum, milk and egg together in a bowl until there are no lumps left. Note: As these are thin pancakes, the batter should be runny.
  2. This step is not necessary, but ideally let the batter sit for 15 minutes or so. It allows the starches to absorb the liquid and produces a better texture overall.
  3. Heat up a non-stick frying pan on medium/low heat and grease your pan with a tiny bit of butter (you can use oil instead, but butter tastes better). Then pour a full ladle of batter and angle the pan in a circular motion to spread the batter all around as thin as possible.
  4. Cook your crepe for a minute or so and then add your toppings: add grated cheese all around, crack an egg in the center and season with salt and pepper. At this point I find it can be helpful to put a lid on top to help the egg white cook quicker.
  5. After another minute or so, gently fold the sides over using a spatula and place the lid back on. Keep cooking until the egg white is fully (or mostly) cooked, keeping the yolks runny.
  6. What I like to do at this point is transfer my crepes onto a baking tray and place them under the grill briefly. This finishes cooking the egg white on top if they were still a bit too runny and it adds a nice crispy touch to the crepes.

Kimi x

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