Back home in Canada, Welsh cakes were not something I grew up eating and after adopting a gluten free diet in my 20s, this little treat completely escaped my world. My boyfriend has been requesting them for absolute ages and I’m so glad I finally caved in and learned how […]
Other bready things
Super Soft Gluten Free Hot Cross Buns
Perfectly soft, fresh out of the oven gluten free hot cross buns with a honey lemon glaze. Is there anything better? 😛 I’m so happy to finally be able to tick this goal off of my gluten free bucket list. I tried a few times in the past, always with […]
Gluten Free Nutella Buns / Chocolate + Cinnamon Rolls
I made another batch of brioche cinnamon rolls yesterday, but decided to turn them into Nutella buns instead! With an added sprinkle of cinnamon and a drizzle of buttery vanilla icing on top. 😛 I can’t even begin to tell you how good these were! Ever since I figured out […]
Proper Gluten Free Cinnamon Rolls That Taste Like The Real Thing
The moment I perfected my brioche recipe last week, my head started spinning with so many ideas of other breads and desserts that could use it as a base and so here I present you my latest creation: proper gluten free cinnamon rolls that are so incredibly soft. 😛 I […]
Authentic Gluten Free English Muffins {Pan Fried / No Oven}
So… I was trying to perfect my crumpet recipe (why is it so damn hard to get proper holes like the pre-made ones you get from supermarkets!) and after about a million different attempts and eating far too many crumpets, a happy accident happened: I suddenly made my best gluten […]
Soft & Chewy Gluten Free Pretzels
I’ve been on a bread kick lately and really discovering the joys of working with yeast. It’s something I always used to avoid, thinking creating gluten free bread products was too difficult or a hassle, but it turns out that I was wrong all along! From English muffins and proper […]
Gluten Free Jalapeño & Cheese Empanadas
Spicy three cheese empanadas with mozzarella, extra mature cheddar and parmesan + finely chopped pickled jalapeños. I made these earlier this week and oh my gosh they were so good. The recipe is so simple and easy / pretty much the same as arepas i.e just pre-cooked cornmeal, salt, water and […]
Gluten Free Cheesy Corn Dough Balls / Arepa Cheese Balls
I made some arepas, but in mini cheesy ball format with lots of mozzarella and extra mature cheddar a.k.a little cheesy corn dough balls. It’s such a tasty and naturally gluten free snack along with dips and as a bonus, arepas are the easiest thing to make. All you need […]
Gluten Free Cheese Pudding / with Flour or Breadcrumbs
Today I just wanted to share with you my latest lockdown discovery: gluten free cheese pudding. It’s so easy, absolutely delicious and made with just a few basic staple ingredients: cheese, milk, eggs, butter and tiny bit of gluten free breadcrumbs or flour. As I mentioned in some previous posts, […]